
What is insomnia and what causes it?

Insomnia is suffering from poor sleep, together with irregular sleep patterns.  Insomniacs tend to have difficulty falling to sleep, have disturbed sleeping patterns, waking up early or a combination of all of these.  When you don't achieve a good restful night's sleep you may find it difficult to react correctly to situations and it can have a negative effect on your mental and physical health.  It is extremely common for an insomniac to feel tired, emotionally unstable and anxious.

In a perfect world, when we go to bed, we would be in a wonderful, relaxed state.   If there is something troubling you, it maybe financially, emotionally, personal problems, employment issues or relationship difficulties or it could be that you are suffering from depression then this will interfere with the natural sleep process.  It is very common for people who are depressed to 'over dream' and this will then leave you in an exhausted state the next day.  Your body has a built in mechanism that tries to protect you by waking you up early in the morning in an attempt to stop the dreaming taking place and this is known as 'early morning waking syndrome'.  When this pattern of disturbed sleep continues for a period of time it may mean that you get anxious before you even get into bed and you may possibly ask yourself whether you will or will not get a good night's sleep and this is when the pattern of not sleeping kicks in and you end up going around in circles unable to break the habit.

How can hypnotherapy help insomnia?

Hypnotherapy is a totally different approach to dealing with insomnia from the traditional way of medical intervention such as sleeping tablets or herbal or natural remedies.  Whilst these can help you in the short term as your body gets accustomed to the drugs you end up having to take more tablets in order to get the same effect.  With hypnotherapy it is a very relaxing experience and it has no harmful side effects and can enable you to develop a regular and healthy sleep pattern.  Using the free CD/Download that you are given at the Initial Consultation every night can help you to relax and fall asleep and to sleep for a longer period.

Once you have had a bad night's sleep and you think that this will happen the following night, and it is almost certain that it will.  If you are told to try not to think about a blue elephant, what happens, all you can think about is the blue elephant.  You might have listened to an annoying tune, how difficult is it to stop replaying it in your head?    Hypnotherapy will help you to take control and re-educate your mind to fall easily to sleep and to slow things down so that you don't have a racing mind.

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