Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).  The CNHC is the UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners and was set up with Department of Health funding and support.  Its key function is to enhance public protection by setting standards for registration with CNHC.  The CNHC "quality mark" is being recognised as the hallmark of quality for the sector.

Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH).  The AfSFH is a professional body whidch provides information and spreads awareness about Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and its associated benefits to members of the public.

The National Board for Modern Psychotherapy was primarily set up to increase the public’s awareness of Modern Psychotherapy and its associated benefits.

Modern Psychotherapists use the best available resources, including the latest understandings of the brain, the use of hypnosis, CBT, SFBT, NLP, Mindfulness and measured outcomes for each session.
National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) are one of the main professional bodies for hypnotherapy in the UK, and abide by their strict code of conduct and ethics.  I continue to update and enhance my skills through CPD (Continual Professional Development) and regularly attend supervision and training courses.

Hypnotherapy Directory was set up by a team who know how difficult it can be to find the support you need when tackling a personal problem. Through our own experiences, we learnt just how important it is to find relevant information to help you navigate your options.  Growing in popularity and a therapy we have utilised ourselves, we know just how much hypnotherapy can support happiness and well-being. Keen to raise awareness of this therapy and to connect the public with professional hypnotherapists, Hypnotherapy Directory was created.


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