Weight Management and Hypno Gastric Band

Weight Management

If you have tried to lose weight you will know how frustrating it can be to go on a diet, lose some initial weight and then gradually see the weight return, possibly gaining even more than before you went on the diet.   It could be that you are eating out of boredom, stress or just out of habit.  You may be drinking a little too much, eating a little too often or snacking on high fat or sugary foods.  You maybe snacking in the evening even though you are full.  You may be seeing food as a 'reward' and not a 'fuel'.

It could be that you were overweight as a child and the food you ate was used as a treat or a bribe and therefore you have not learned to eat mindfully.   Whatever your reasons for the unwanted weight gain we would be able to work together so that you will gain a healthier relationship with food and as well as you having a healthier weight it will hopefully give you more energy and increased self esteem and this can in turn have a positive impact on other areas of your life.

How great would it be if you could change your attitude towards food and so that you only eat what you need?  The guidelines on losing weight is that most people can safely lose around 2lbs of fat per week, losing weight more rapidly than this should not be done consultation with your GP.  With the help of hypnotherapy you can change your eating habits to be positive and thereby achieving a healthy weight that you can manage to maintain. 

Hypnotherapy can help you focus positively and become motivated.  It can be used alongside a change in the way that you think about food and what you eat and an increase in exercise. 

Hypno Gastric Band

A hypno gastric band should not be undertaken lightly and the aim is to mimic the experience and effects of a surgical gastric band, without an of the risks of surgery.  This would be 'fitted' over six sessions and is used to help you significantly reduce your portion size and calorie intake.  This may also be used alongside the Weight Management program. 

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